Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Wiener's Campaigning Pays Off in Ward 1

Neighborhood volunteer work and a long "grassroots" campaign may have helped Jason Wiener to a commanding victory in Ward 1's City Council contest Tuesday.

Wiener, a freelance journalist, defeated his opponent, Justin Armintrout, collecting 64 percent of the vote. Wiener received 1,676 votes to Armintrout’s 887.

Wiener said he felt strong coming out of the primary election but did not stop campaigning until 4 p.m. on Election Day, when he went for a hike in the Rattlesnake to watch the sunset.

He attributed his victory to a “grassroots effort,” saying people in his ward knew him on a more personal level than Armintrout because of his volunteer work in the community.

“A lot of people are excited about my candidacy that aren’t usually interested in city politics,” Wiener said.

Armintrout, an executive recruiter, said he felt “naïve” about the political aspect of the election process but also said the voices of Ward 1 voters were overwhelmingly heard on Election Day.

“I wanted to voice the opinions of the entire Rattlesnake neighborhood,” Armintrout said. “But I underestimated the power of the political machine of Missoula. Jason started campaigning about a year before I did and I think that had a great effect on the outcome of the election.”

Wiener said the first thing he is going to do as a City Council member is to listen.

“I’m looking forward to the opportunity to see how people in the city do their jobs, and how to do them better,” Wiener said.

Wiener, who supported a proposal to allow the raising of chickens in the city, voiced his support for the issue in personalized postcards to voters.

Although the chicken ordinance was not the deciding issue in the election, “I know it got me at least a couple votes,” Wiener said.

Armintrout said his candidacy was a great learning experience that could prove worthwhile in the future, though he is not sure if he will run again.

“It’s too early to tell,” Armintrout said, “but I am leaving the door open,”


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