Monday, October 15, 2007

Meet Renee Mitchell, Ward 5

AGE: 58
OCCUPATION: Missoula Youth Homes manager
EDUCATION: University of Montana, bachelor's degree in education
PUBLIC SERVICE: Volunteer with Youth Homes, Easter Seals; promoted neighborhood concerns on Briggs Street; president of Montana State Women’s Gold Association
ENDORSEMENTS: City Councilman Dick Haines, former City Councilwoman LuAnn Crowley; Chamber of Commerce rating: 2.4 of 3.0.

Questions and answers

What qualifies you to be on City Council?

“As a Neighborhood Council member, I was elected to be a Community Forum representative. That group meets once a month. I also have been attending the City Council meetings for about the past four years. Because of this experience, I have learned a lot about other issues in Missoula.”

What are the best and worst things the City Council has done in recent years?

“The best thing is that despite all the obstacles and political division, we can still get things done. The worst thing the council has done is to allow for infill without a property owner's right to protest. City Council never saw a petition against the Lincoln School development because of a decision on planned neighborhood clusters.

What one thing would you most like to accomplish as an alderwoman?

“I would like to see city government truly represent people and become open and transparent so people can know what’s being done and why. We need more accountability. The budget shows money going in and money coming out, but it doesn’t show the sources. It’s not a question of honesty. It’s a question of detail.”

What can the city do to attract better-paying jobs?

“The city can work with businesses that might want to come to Missoula, to see what their needs are. I don’t think we can always address every aspect, but we shouldn’t tax them so heavily they can’t survive here. Tax incentives might be an answer, but there should be reasonable conditions for them to want to come to Missoula.”

What should the city do to encourage more affordable housing?

“Land prices have gone so high in Missoula. I think it’s almost impossible for someone to get a starter home. I am not totally against infill, but we need to do it wisely. Infill is not always the answer to creating affordable housing. The council needs to work with agencies that help people get affordable housing.”

Should Missoula endorse a troop withdrawal from Iraq? Why or why not?

“Whether or not there’s a referendum isn’t going to make a difference. We spend a lot of time debating the big picture when all we can control is the local, small picture stuff. I’m grateful to everybody who has ever served so we can maintain our freedom, such as putting referendums like this on the ballot.”

What is Missoula’s most pressing traffic problem, and where should the city turn for the money to solve it?

Hillview Way needs to be addressed. A few people, because they have a lot of property up there, are paying the lion’s share for improvement. We need a more equitable tax base, and I think the whole city benefits from that road. It keeps traffic off my street, so even though I don’t use it often, it certainly helps me.”

Should the city encourage or discourage more housing in existing city neighborhoods? Why?

“I think we need to follow the zoning, and I don’t think we should compromise the integrity of existing neighborhoods. Also, what’s affordable isn’t always acceptable.”

Should the city limit the number of unrelated people who may share a house? Why or why not?

“We’ve already tried that. We don’t need to go down that road again. It just caused a lot of dissention and City Council members weren’t able to agree. We have a lot of other things that need attention.”

What specific problems in your ward would you like to see solved?

“Obviously, Hillview Way and how to pay for it is a big, big hot-button issue. Also, where Upper and Lower Miller Creek meet, the roundabout needs to be addressed. Otherwise they can’t build up there.”

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